Tuesday, April 8, 2008


We all like to look good, right? Nice clothes, nice hair, neat appearance, an so on-in our own way. But I am sure that we all agree that there are extremes. Most of us dont have the money to get a rhinoplasty or any kind of implant or it could be because we are not that vain. Its okay to want to look good but when is it enough and how far would you go? Well for Angela Bismarchi, she is just getting started.

At her 42nd operation, and at only 36 years of age, Angela shows no signs of stopping. She is so close to beating the record of 52-year-old American Cindy Jackson who currently holds the record for having the most plastic surgery operations, 47 of them!

Let me tell you a little about Angela Bismarchi. She is a Brazilian model who had her first operation after giving birth to her first child at age 21. From there she says that she loved the results and became so fasinated with plastic surgery that her last two husbands were plastic surgeons who operated on her. Now, I am not one to judge because it is her body afterall, but I am sure that her lifestyle has to be effecting her daughter in some negative ways. She has a mother who is obsessed with the way she looks and quotes saying "I always was vain." Her daughter is just going to want to do the same things and might always feel as if she is not fine the way she looks. She might feel that she has to keep making 'improvements'.

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